Weekly Inflation Pakistan 14th March 2024

weekly inflation Pakistan

Weekly inflation Pakistan 14th March 2024, Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI), Prices of basic commodities Overview The SPI for the week ending on March 14, 2024, witnessed a rise of 1.35% over the previous week. Significant increases were recorded in the prices of Tomatoes (21.96%), Bananas (21.76%), Eggs (7.15%), Onions (5.57%), LPG (4.45%), Garlic (3.62%), Mutton … Read more

Price Comparison Essential Commodities, SPI as on 13th July 2023

price comparison essential items

According to the report issued by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) based on price comparison essential commodities, the Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) for the week ended on the 6th of July 2023 has increased by 0.33%. The Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) is utilized as a tool to gauge the immediate inflation levels of 51 … Read more

Analysis of Prices of Essential Commodities as on 6th July 2023

inflation Pakistan

As per the analysis of prices of essential commodities based on the report issued by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) for the week ended on the 6th of July 2023 has increased by 0.7%. The Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) is a tool to measure the short-term inflation of 51 … Read more

Prices of Essential Items, SPI for week ended on 22nd June 2023

Sensitive Price Index

The Sensitive Price Indicator for the week ended on 22nd June 2023 increased by 0.33% over the last week. The prices of 20 items increased, that of 12 items decreased and 19 items remained unchanged concerning the prices in the previous week. Overview The Sensitive Price Indicator is a tool to measure changes in the … Read more

Prices of Essential Commodities (SPI) on 15th June 2023

inflation Pakistan

Weekly report on the Sensitive Price Indicator and Prices of Essential Commodities by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics The Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) based on prices of essential commodities in Pakistan increased by 0.2% during the week ended on 15th of June 2023 The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) publishes a weekly report on the … Read more

Weekly Report on Sensitive Price Indicator as on June 8th, 2023

Sensitive Price Indicator

An overview of the weekly report on SPI (Sensitive Price Indicator) and Prices of Essential Commodities by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics issues a weekly report on SPI that shows the comparison of prices of basic commodities and determines the inflation rate in Pakistan. For the analysis, 51 commodities have … Read more

Sensitive Price Indicator Week Ended on 02 June 2023

Sensitive Price Indicator

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics issues weekly reports regarding the Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) in the country. The report includes the prices of basic commodities and their comparison with the prices in the previous week (WoW) and the corresponding period of the last year (YoY). A sensitive Price Indicator is a tool to measure and record … Read more

Sensitive Price Index For Week Ended 28th April 2023


Sensitive Price Indicator is a tool to measure changes in the prices of commodities over a certain time period to assess the inflation rate. Prices of 51 essential commodities that are taken from the markets of 17 cities of Pakistan are used to calculate the SPI on weekly basis. The Sensitive Price Index for the … Read more

Weekly Review of Pakistan’s Economy, Week ended 7th April 23

Stock Exchange Performance 12 to 16 June 23.

Weekly review of Pakistan’s Economy, Stock Markets, and Sensitive Price Indicator during the week ending on 07th of April 2023. IMF Talks for 9th Review No favorable signs for the finalization of talks between the Government of Pakistan and the IMF for the ninth review of financial support have been witnessed during the week. Although … Read more

Economic Condition of Pakistan, An Overview of Week ended 31st March, 2023

Economic Crisis Pakistan

Highlights of the Economic Condition of Pakistan during the week ended 31st March 2023 9th Review of the IMF Program The most awaited 9th review of the IMF rollover plan is still underway due to the demand for reasonable guarantees by the IMF from the UAE and Saudi Arabia to fill the gap in the … Read more