Sensitive Price Indicator Week Ended on 02 June 2023

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics issues weekly reports regarding the Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) in the country. The report includes the prices of basic commodities and their comparison with the prices in the previous week (WoW) and the corresponding period of the last year (YoY).

Sensitive Price Indicator

A sensitive Price Indicator is a tool to measure and record the prices of essential commodities and determine the inflation rate. The prices of 51 essential commodities taken from various markets from the 17 urban cities of Pakistan are taken into analysis.

For the week ending on 02 June 2023, the sensitive price indicator has increased by 0.03% over the previous week. The prices of 19 (37.25%) items have increased and that of 14 (27.45%) have decreased. The prices of 18 (35.30 %) remained unchanged in comparison to those in the previous week.

Due to continuous political unrest in the country for the past year, the economic condition of the country has declined. The Foreign Exchange reserves are continuously declining hampering the imports of important items including basic raw materials. Due to hyperinflation in the country, the buying power of the masses has been badly affected. The major proportion of the population is hardly meeting basic necessities hence purchasing items other than basic needs has gone out of reach for many. This has also affected the business community as sales have gone down and businesses cannot meet their fixed costs. Unemployment is also on the rise making survival even harder.

Increase in Prices

The prices of the following 19 items increased during the week. The change in prices in terms of percentage with reference to that in the last week (WoW) and with that in the corresponding week of last year (YoY) is tabulated below: –

Sr No Item Unit Price 1/6/23 % inc WoW % inc YoY
1 Beef Cooked (Avg) Per Plate 256.27 0.6 38.2
2 Beef with Bone 1 Kg 768.62 1 18.92
3 Bread (Small) Each 106.73 0.51 59.66
4 Chicken 1 Kg 430.36 2.87 38.4
5 Curd 1 Kg 198.98 0.33 39.71
6 Energy Saver Philips 14 watt Each 312.54 2.26 36.16
7 Gur 1 Kg 177.25 0.41 36.39
8 Milk Fresh 1 Ltr 173.28 0.52 38.35
9 Milk Nido 390 gm bag 735.96 0.17 38.7
10 Mutton 1 Kg 1622.72 0.54 20.24
11 Onions 1 Kg 55.31 7.31 -29
12 Potatoes 1 Kg 82.59 2.89 86.86
13 Pulse Mash 1 Kg 449.17 0.24 53.7
14 Pulse Masoor ! Kg 282.79 0.19 5.95
15 Rice IRRI 1 Kg 147.91 1 80.97
16 Salt (National/Shan) 800 gm 53.26 1.08 51.18
17 Sugar 1 Kg 119.46 0.13 36.42
18 Tea Prepared Per cup 50.78 1.56 44.92
19 Tomatoes 1 Kg 42.98 1.11 -42.14
Decrease in Prices

The prices of 14 items have decreased with reference to the last week which are given in terms of percentage in the following table.

Sr No Item Unit Price 1/6/23 % WoW % YoY
1 Bananas Dozen 225.01 -4.46 88.96
2 Cooking oil Dalda/Other 5 Ltr 3230.76 -1.35 27.36
3 Eggs Dozen 270.92 -2.57 55.29
4 Garlic 1 Kg 330.34 -0.37 11.58
5 Hi-Speed Diesel Per Litre 253.89 -1.94 45.18
6 LPG 11.67 Kg Cylinder 2991.93 -4.46 22.03
7 Mustard Oil 1 Kg 555.75 -1.57 10.21
8 Petrol Super Per Litre 262.89 -2.96 45.55
9 Pulse Gram 1 Kg 247.13 -0.59 34.12
10 Pulse Moong Washed 1 Kg 277.42 -1.27 60.4
11 Rice Basmati Broken 1 Kg 205.1 -0.17 80.15
12 Veg Ghee Dalda/Habib 2.5 Kg Tin 1522.27 -1.06 21.3
13 Veg Ghee Dalda/Habib 1 Kg 589.02 -1.87 15.65
14 Wheat Flour 20 Kg 2521.47 -4.06 105.56
Unchanged Prices

The prices of 18 items remained unchanged during the week with reference to the previous week. Their comparison in terms of percentage with reference to prices in the corresponding week of last year is given in the table below:

Sr No Item Unit Price 1/6/23 % WoW % YoY
1 Chillie Powder National 200 gm 215 0 0
2 Cigarettes Capstan 1 pack of 20 221.35 0 138.5
3 Daal cooked (Avg) Per Plate 127.9 0 41.29
4 Electricity Charges Per Unit 6.15 0 16.48
5 Firewood 40 Kg 1074.82 0 29.31
6 Gas Charges upto 3.3719 MMBTU MMBTU 295 0 108.38
7 Gents Sandal Bata Pair 1999 0 53.89
8 Gents Sponge Chappal Bata Pair 599 0 100.33
9 Georgette Avg 1 Meter 240.4 0 25.22
10 Ladies Sandal Bata Pair 799 0 14.31
11 Lawn printed Gul Ahmed/Al-Karam 1 Meter 527.8 0 19.86
12 Long Cloth 57″ Gul Ahmed/Al-Karam 1 Meter 522.95 0 24.49
13 Match Box Each 5.35 0 38.24
14 Shirting Avg 1 Meter 354.24 0 25.86
15 Soap Life Buoy 115 gm Each 101.21 0 70.56
16 Tea Yellow Label 190 gm pack 558.82 0 114.93
17 Telephone Call Charges Per Minute 1.79 0 0
18 Washing Soap Sufi 250 gm Each 125 0 48.61


Sensitive Price Indicator for the week ended on 5th May 2023

Sensitive Price Indicator for the week ended on 8th June 2023


The information shared in this post is for educational purposes and may not be used as a reference for any legal document. The data has been collected from the direct source by the team of fiscal updates.

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