PSX Performance Review for Week 2nd to 5th May 2023

PSX Performance Review for week 2-5 May 2023 at a Glance

Since the last week, the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) has gained momentum after a span of sluggish activity. The PSX performance review shows that the market is on a rising trend.

PSX weekly review

The week had four working days, 1st of May being public holiday on account of labor day. The summary of Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) performance during the week is given in the table below:-

PSX Weekly Review 2nd to 5th May 2023
Date Points (KSE 100) Volume All (Millions) Value All, PKR (Billions)
2nd May 23 41,927.64 210.98 6.49
3rd May 23 42,087.93 287.75 10.16
4th May 23 42,093.80 255.22 9.27
5th May 23 42241.98 176.59 5.73
2nd May, 2023

The Pakistan Stock Market kept the pace of improvement on 2nd of May and KSE 100 index gained 346.79 points over the last working day of the previous week (28th of April 2023) and closing at 41,927.64 points. The trade volume was 210.98 million shares having value of PKR 6.49 billion.

Among the KSE 100 companies, MLCF was the highest traded in terms of volume with 8.69 million shares traded during the day and closing at PKR 28.41. Next followed by CNERGY with 6.73 million shares (closing at PKR 3.58). Next highest was HBL with trading of 6.03 million shares (closed at PKR 77.94).

Top Trading Companies (KSE 100) on 2nd May 23

Sr No

Company Volume (millions) Closing Price (PKR)

Gain/(Loss) PKR


MLCF 8.69 28.41



CNERGY 6.73 3.58



HBL 6.03 77.94



3rd May, 2023

On 3rd May 2023, the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) 100 index gained 160.29 points over the previous day (2nd May 2023) and closed at 42,087.93 points. The trading volume was again improved with 287.75 million shares worth PKR 10.16 billion.

Among the KSE 100 listed companies, HBL, MLCF and SNGP remained the top traders in terms of volume. The trade volume of HBL was 23.53 million shares during the day. The stock closed at PKR 78.24 with a gain of PKR 0.30. MLCF had trade volume of 16.46 million shares. The stock closed at PKR 28.77 with a gain of PKR 0.36 over the previous day’s price. SNGP was on the next number with trade volume of 9.41 million shares and closing at PKR 41.23 after gaining PKR 1.08 over the previous day’s price.

Top Trading Companies (KSE 100) on 3rd May 23

Sr No

Company Volume (millions) Closing Price (PKR)

Gain/(Loss) PKR


HBL 23.53 78.24



MLCF 16.46 28.77



SNGP 9.41 41.23


4th May, 2023

The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) lost the pace of improvement somehow on 4th of May 2023 and KSE 100 index increased by only 5.87 points than the previous day (3rd May 2023), closing at 42,093.8 points. The trading volume for all listed companies was 255.22 million shares with value of PKR 9.27 billion.

From the KSE 100 listed companies, MLCF remained on top in terms of trade volume with 23.41 million shares traded during the day. The stock closed at a price of PKR 28.66, losing PKR 0.11 from the previous days price. BAFL had a trading volume of 11.78 million shares, closing at a price of PKR 30.20, gaining PKR 0.24. DGKC had trade volume of 8.24 million shares, the stock closed at PKR 48.11, gaining PKR 0.27 on the previous days price.

Top Trading Companies (KSE 100) on 4th May 23

Sr No

Company Volume (millions) Closing Price (PKR)

Gain/(Loss) PKR


MLCF 23.41 28.66



BAFL 11.78 30.20



DGKC 8.24 48.11


5th May, 2023

The market further improved on the last day of the week (Friday) with a rise of 116.54 points in the KSE 100 index over the previous day’s closing at 42,241.98 points. The trade volume of the market was 176.59 million shares having value of PKR 5.73 billion.

Among the top trading companies of KSE 100 index, SNGP was on top with a trade of 13.67 million shares. The stock closed at a price of PKR 43.42 per share with a gain of PKR 2.51 (6.14%). It may be noted that the company has not yet published any of the quarterly reports during the current year and is repeatedly requesting for extension in the submission of reports. In this regard, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan vide a letter dated 3rd of May 2023 has turned down the application for such extension by stating that there is no such legal provision available.

Next in line was BAFL with a trading volume of 8.83 million shares closing at a price of PKR 31.02 with a gain of PKR 0.82 (2.72%) followed by AIRLINK with 7.59 million shares traded during the day and closing at PKR 19.49 per share with a rise of PKR 0.04 (0.21%).

Top Trading Companies (KSE 100) on 5th May 23

Sr No

Company Volume (millions) Closing Price (PKR)

Gain/(Loss) PKR


SNGP 13.67 43.42



BAFL 8.83 31.02



AIRLINK 7.59 19.49


Related Links

PSX performance review for the week 26-28 April 2023

PSX performance review for the week 17-20 April 2023


This post is for educational and information purposes. The data used in this post is collected from the direct sources, however, for any trading decision, professional advice may be sought.

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